Summer Session Bumpers

Assignment at work for bumpers for a video about Summer Session at Fordham

Jubilee Video

Assignment at work for a video for Jubilee. Jubilee is Fordham’s class reunion at Rose Hill Campus. This year, Jubilee was cancelled due to Covid-19. This is a feel-good, we miss you video with the Fordham Ram song in the background.

Metro North Video Storyboards

Assignment at work for a video for a Professional and Continuing Studies Video billboard at Metro North Station. Video storyboards are near the train tracks where many commuters wait.

My Giving Day Video!

Assignment at work for a video using images and illustration of Ramses, the Fordham mascot. Working from a one-page script,
I came up with the animation ideas for text and mascot, created a storyboard, designed and composed type treatments, and slide show in After Effects and stitched it all together in Premiere. All by myself. YAY!

RamFest Video

Assignment from work for a video using Student’s iphone images for a news story about the Commuters Student Association events.